Year Two

Welcome to Year 2

And what a fantastic Year 2 you are!

Class 5 Teacher: Mrs McNally

Teaching assistant: Mrs Barker

Class 6 Teachers: Mrs Jones Mon – Wed , Mrs Lloyd Wed- Fri

Teaching assistants: Mrs Chell

The children have had a brilliant first half term in Year 2. In Class 6 we have been basing all our activities on a selection of Julia Donaldson books. The children have been coming up with their own ideas for learning, what great thinkers they are!

The books we have read so far are:-

  • Spinderella – The children absolutely loved going on a spider hunt and now know loads of facts about spiders too
  • Sugarlump and the Unicorn – The children made puppets to retell the story and brought their own games in
  • Room on a Broom – The children love making and creating potions 

Our topic after half term will be  Nuts about Nature here are some of the ideas for learning :-

  • pretending to camp in our role play area

  • building facilities for our campsite using our outdoor area

  • visiting a garden centre

  • writing creative stories

  • following recipes to make leaf biscuits

  • learning about woodland creatures using the ‘Popplet’ app on the iPads

  • creating natural art based on the artist Andy Goldsworthy

  • identifying some strange looking fruit, examining the seeds and making observations

  • problem solving with Fantastic Mr Fox and designing and making invites to his feast

  • celebrating why we are all different and how fantastic that is!


As well as all that fantastic topic work, where the children had the opportunity to use their maths and literacy skills, we also enjoy practising our ‘Learn Its’ every day- click on the link below and I’m sure your child will show you just what a little rock star they’ve become!!!

The children are loving playing ‘Hit the Button.’ It’s a brilliant opportunity to practise their doubles, halves, times tables and number bonds – they love the challenge of trying to beat their own score each time – click on the link below for a quick test of your skills!

We all know how important it is to stay safe online. It’s definitely worth reading through this with your child – click on the link below to read it together.