Year 3 – Class 3R

Welcome to 3R

Croeso is Dosbarth 3R


The class teacher is Mrs Rogers

The Teaching Assistants are Miss Dewick & Mrs Price


Useful information:

Monday:       Spelling homework to be returned

Tuesdays:     Indoor PE (PE kit needed) – Cardiff City coaching (Autumn Term)

Thursdays:  Outdoor games (Games kit & trainers needed)

                       Book Bags to be returned

Fridays:         Spelling homework taken home

                       Book Bags taken home

                       Merit Cup assembly


Our topics and themes:

Autumn 1: Chocolate – ‘The Great Chocoplot’ Chris Callaghan

Autumn 2: Festivals of light – ‘Coming home’ Michael Morpurgo

Spring 1: Rotten Romans

Spring 2: tbc

Summer 1: tbc

Summer 2: tbc


Look at us enjoying our learning: