Eco Council

Green Matters!

GO GREEN DAY – 13th October.

We are having our whole school go green day to raise awareness for the Size of Wales Rainforest campaign. Pupils and teachers will be wearing their greenest clothes for the occasion. We are collecting donations of pocket money to help this charity. We will keep you updated about how much we raise.

Daffodil donations

This year we hope to add to the daffodils planted last year. We would appreciate it if you could donate any spare daffodil bulbs to bring a splash of cheer to our school grounds. We aim to plant in December.You have got a few weeks to check you garden sheds and send the bulbs to school.


Green house update

We are very close to achieving our goal of collecting 1500 plastic 2 litre bottles. A massive thank you to all of the families that have helped us reach this target by sending in your bottles.  Keep a look out on our web page and in the school grounds for signs of progress.


Our impressive bottle collection


Bottles prepped and ready for upcycling


















We are very excited about getting phase 2 of our project underway – building the greenhouse. If anyone in our school community has a contact with any businesses that supply wood, we would be grateful if you could pass contact details onto Miss Jones (class 3) or Mrs Howells (class 12). Below you can find a list of materials we are likely to need. 


4” x 4” posts: 4 @ 8 foot long (for corner posts sunk 2 ft into the ground)

2” x 2” timber: Side frames 4 @ 8 ft, 4 @ 6 ft

Back frame 4 @ 6 ft

Front frame 4 @ 6ft

Front wall and door 6 @ 6 ft

Roof sides 4 @ 8 ft, 4 @ 5 ft *

Top beam 1 @ 8 ft

Top gables 4 @ 5 ft * 2 @ 6 ft

Gable support 2 @ 4 ft *

Total = 240 ft

Garden canes 6 foot x 140 (approx)

Hinges for door

Screws – 4” for fixing timber to posts x 40 (approx)

3” for making frame x 100 (approx)

Fencing staples x 300 (approx)

Postcrete x 4 bags

Gravel / slabs / mulch matting

Plastic bottles x 1,500 (approx)




Our Easter Market proved to be a roaring success with a range of inventive and inspiring products on sale. It really helped to show pupils how items can be reused or upcycled before being sent to the recycling plant and helped them understand the importance of reducing waste for the future. With support (and the contents of your recycling bins) we managed to raise an impressive £247 to put towards upcoming eco projects.

eco 1

Our market was bustling all morning and we sold out of every single item


   eco 5           eco 4


eco 2

eco 3

The items recycled included tin cans into tea-light holders and pencil pots, old socks found new life as phone holders and cuddly toys, milk bottles became vases and bird feeders and ornaments were fashioned from old jigsaw puzzles. It’s amazing how things can be re-used!