Welcome to Year 6 !
Wow what a busy first term we have had in Year 6! We are really enjoying our topic on the Victorians and have learnt lots about famous Victorian people and inventions, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, the Great Exhibition as well as reading some classic texts written during that era.
We have been particularly interested to find out what life was like for children living all those years ago and found out many children were forced to work to support their families. Only wealthy children were able to go to school to learn the three Rs – reading, writing and arithmetic.
We were surprised to find out however that children who went to school didn’t have an easy time of it. Our Victorian day gave us a taster of what it would be like to go to school in the 1800s. Teachers were VERY strict and punishments were VERY harsh. We decided that we are very fortunate to be children in the 21st century where school is an enjoyable place to be.
We have crammed so much more in to our term on top of our Victorian topic work. We had a great 2 weeks swimming up at Eastern Leisure Centre and enjoyed getting to see the production of Kiss Me Kate at the WMC.
We have contributed lots to various charitable causes including the Size of Wales Rainforest Campaign, the Royal British Legion poppy appeal and Children in Need. A big thanks to everyone who dug deep to support these worthy causes!
On 14th November, Class 14 had a great day of activities as part of the Tim Peake Primary Project. Our visitor Emma was an astronomer who brought lots of space related tasks for us to have a go at.
The whole of Year 6 also enjoyed a ‘Sound Sensation’ workshop with visitors from Techniquest. Let’s hope we are cultivating the scientists of our future right here in Rumney.
We are now looking forward to our upcoming visit to Cardiff Castle and, of course, to our Christmas celebrations.
Important information
In line with school policy, P.E. kit should be brought into school on a Monday and left in school for the week. For indoor P.E. pupils can wear shorts and t-shirt. During the autumn/winter months, pupils will need suitably warm clothes for outdoor games including joggers, a sweatshirt and trainers.
Class 13 have indoor P.E. on Thursdays and outdoor games on Tuesdays.
Class 14 have indoor P.E. on Mondays and outdoor games on Tuesdays.
Homework will be given out weekly on a Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday. Relevant English and maths tasks will be alternated and will follow on from or tie into work covered in class.
On Mondays we provide new spelling for children to bring home to learn in preparation for a test the following week.
Supporting your child’s learning
Year 6 is the pupils final year in primary and the stepping stone to secondary school. Whilst our aim to develop independent, responsible pupils, we appreciate some pupils may need guidance (or good old nagging) to get on the right track. All pupils have a homework diary that we ask them to bring back and fore everyday to help them keep track of important information. We ask that this is signed by an adult at home every week.
Please encourage children to take responsibility for organising themselves e.g. packing their school bag but don’t assume that they have completed homework etc without a gentle reminder from time to time.
Attendance continues to be a priority for us all. Not only because we are very keen to win the weekly attendance award and or the best half termly attendance, but also because we know that to do our very best learning we need to be here, everyday, ready and on time. Please help us to achieve our attendance goals.