
A Warm Welcome to Rumney Primary School

Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision. All parents and carers want the best education for their child and just as importantly, want them to be happy and feel safe and secure. All schools have their own distinctive ‘feel’ which makes each one unique and we believe that the ‘special feeling’ at Rumney Primary School comes from our caring, nurturing and friendly atmosphere. I am extremely proud to lead a strong team who are committed to providing the very best opportunities for our children. Supported by a team of dedicated governors, we work hard to deliver a rich and child centred curriculum, underpinned by the six principles of nurture.

Our curriculum aims to prepare our children for their future by helping them acquire the skills and enthusiasm needed to pursue life-long learning. During their time at our school, we help children develop their self-esteem, their self-confidence and grow their individual talents through encouraging them to adopt a growth mindset. We teach them that hard work and effort is what counts and that failure, rather than being feared, is merely an essential part of learning. In this way, we hope our pupils will develop resilience and will therefore enjoy learning for the rest of their lives. We pride ourselves on high standards of teaching and learning throughout the school and strive to maintain an atmosphere of friendliness and respect between adults and children alike.

We warmly welcome new families to our school and look forward to building a positive and successful partnership with you. We believe that strong relationships between home and school are essential and ask all parents to sign our ‘Home/School Agreement’ which outlines how we aim to work together during your child’s time with us. Our school continues to develop in many exciting new ways, providing enriching experiences for our children who we greatly value and cherish.

Our aim is that your child’s time at our school, will be as rewarding and memorable as possible.

Mrs E Williams


2023 School information booklet