English Maths Other 56 Spellings Choose 3 activities from the spelling activities list. Check the meaning of any unfamiliar words in a dictionary. Read for 10 minutes TTRockstars (Challenge Year 6 teachers plus 2 friends) Holiday planning Imagine you are going on a holiday in London next year for a week. Plan this holiday for you and your family - think about where you are going to be staying, what you will do about food, what attractions you will visit and the cost of travel etc. Complete GoogleSheets with relevant information. Daily mile challenge. I mile = 2000 steps OR Joe Wicks PE OR 30 mins of your own activity (trampolining, football) Expressive Arts: Make a musical instrument today. Anything that makes a sound that you like. Can you make some music? Take a picture or send us a video of you playing your homemade instrument. 57 Recently Liverpool won the Premier League. Complete the ‘Liverpool champions’ comprehension activity. Spelling activity: word search TTRockstars (10 minutes playing Garage) Holiday planning Imagine you are going on a holiday in Edinburgh next year for a week. Plan this holiday for you and your family - think about where you are going to be staying, what you will do about food, what attractions you will visit and the cost of travel etc. Complete GoogleSheets with relevant information. Daily mile challenge. I mile = 2000 steps OR Joe Wicks PE OR 30 mins of your own activity (trampolining, football) IT Task: Follow the link and complete the activities: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/globalassets/thinkuknow/documents/thinkuknow/parents/pdf/thinkuknow-8-10s-home-activity-sheet-8.pdf 58 Planning your ‘Year 6’s Got Talent’ video As you haven’t had the opportunity to do a summer show this year, we thought you could each create your own short video to show how you have talent. We will then edit it together to make a virtual show. Please read and complete the ‘Year 6’s Got Talent’ planning sheet which will give you some information and suggestions of how you might like to make your video. Be creative and have fun with it. Oaks spelling activity: Fortune Teller Activity Redwood spelling activity: Which Word Where activity TTRockstars (10 minutes playing Soundcheck) Holiday planning Imagine you are going on a holiday in Bristol next year for a week. Plan this holiday for you and your family - think about where you are going to be staying, what you will do about food, what attractions you will visit and the cost of travel etc. Complete GoogleSheets with relevant information. Daily mile challenge. I mile = 2000 steps OR Joe Wicks PE OR 30 mins of your own activity (trampolining, football) Random acts of kindness Think about how you can make someone else’s day - what can you do to help them or brighten their day? You could help by tidying your bedroom, helping make tea, posting a lovely note through a neighbours door. Think of 5 things that you can do and then over the next few days do them - remember to follow social distance rules and keep yourselves safe though. 59 Filming your ‘Year 6’s Got Talent’ video Do this on whichever device you have available to you: Ipad, phone or other. Think about speaking clearly if you’re talking in it. You might want to proactise it a few times or do a few attempts before you get your final version. Your video must be finished and emailed or shared via google drive to Miss Nicholls by Tuesday 14th July TTRockstars (10 minutes of playing Festival) Holiday planning Imagine you are going on a holiday in Manchester next year for a week. Plan this holiday for you and your family - think about where you are going to be staying, what you will do about food, what attractions you will visit and the cost of travel etc. Complete GoogleSheets with relevant information. Daily mile challenge. I mile = 2000 steps OR Joe Wicks PE OR 30 mins of your own activity (trampolining, football) Science and Technology: GoogleSlides for Reception children about RPS Working individually or with some friends, create a GoogleSlides to inform Reception children about what they can expect to experience and do in Rumney Primary based upon your experiences. Remember this is for Reception children so please use language that they will understand. 60 Spelling test. Editing your ‘Year 6’s Got Talent’ video Think about whether you’d like to add music to it or narration. Think about which bits you want to cut out of your video. When’s it’s finished, email it to Miss Nicholls: dnicholls@rumneyprm.net TTRockstars (10 minutes of Garage and customise your Avatar) Create questions about holiday plans and send to friend. Remember to share the information about the costings with your friend. Daily mile challenge. I mile = 2000 steps OR Joe Wicks PE OR 30 mins of your own activity (trampolining, football) Science and Technology: GoogleSlides for Reception children about RPS Complete your GoogleSlides from yesterday. Add in appropriate images to support your text and then look at custom animation. Year 6 home learning ideas days 56 - 60